2014 Bloomington Geometry Workshop
Indiana University, Bloomington
April 25-27, 2014  


The geometry group and the Mathematics Department at Indiana University will again host an April workshop. The aim of the gathering is to foster interaction among mathematicians having diverse geometric interests.


The workshop will begin on Friday, April 25, at 4:00 pm with a colloquium lecture by:

Alex Eskin (University of Chicago)

The workshop continues on Saturday and Sunday with lectures by:


The expanded schedule is available in PDF form HERE

Titles and Abstracts available HERE

NSF support:

Contingent upon receiving NSF support, we will reimburse the travel and local expenses of many participants. The funding of graduate students and recent PhDs will receive priority. To apply for support, please register.


If you plan to join us, then please register electronically.

Between talks & after hours:

We expect hotels to fill up quickly this weekend due to the Little 500; so please do not wait to book your hotel. We have reserved blocks of rooms at these hotels:

Here are some other hotels in Bloomington:

Location and Directions:

The mathematics department is housed in Rawles Hall, the building just west of the intersection of 3rd Street and Woodlawn Avenue on the north side of 3rd Street.
