The geometry group at Indiana University
will again host an April workshop with the help of
the Department of Mathematics
and the National Science Foundation.
The aim of the gathering is to foster interaction among mathematicians
having diverse geometric interests.
Schedule of talks:
The workshop opens on Friday April 12 at 4:00 pm with an expository lecture:
NSF support:
We have NSF support to apply towards participants' travel
and local expenses during the conference. We should be able to cover most
expenses for registrants from the Midwest region.
Between talks & after hours:
Blocks of rooms have been set aside at
The mathematics department is housed in Rawles Hall at the
intersection of 3rd Street and Woodlawn Avenue.
The red star on this
map indicates this location. Click for detailed
information on travel by plane and car.
All talks will take place in Swain Hall East, Room 140, the building immediately west of Rawles Hall.
Contact information:
Please contact one of the organizers with any questions: